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Terms of Service For Behind the Wheel Traning

Please Read These Terms of Service Carefully.

These Terms govern your use of our services except where we expressly state that separate terms (and not these) apply. These services are provided to you by Kanor Driving School, Inc.

We don’t sell your personal data to anyone, and we don’t share information that directly identifies you (such as your name, email address, or other contact information) with anyone unless it is required by law or you give us specific permission.

Driving Instructors

The instructor is not a self-employed contractor and is employed by the school.  As such, the school administers the instructor’s schedule, services, and tuition fees. Thus, the instructor shall not have any personal contract between the instructor and you.

The Instructor is a registered driving instructor with the Department of Motor Vehicles as an approved driving instructor, and his/her DMV registration will be up to date.

Student Registration and Lessons

Once you are enrolled through our website, in person, or by phone, you will create an account with our school. Therefore, you will receive a username and a password for your convenience of managing your account from your student portal. You will be able to choose a time, date, and preferred driving instructor through your account. All your driving appointments are confirmed via email. This is so both parties can reference scheduled lessons. Our school will do our best to keep you with the same instructor as much as possible unless your schedule and your instructor’s schedule are not the same.

Driving lessons are first come, first served. If you would like an earlier lesson than your already scheduled time, please contact us to request to be placed on a waiting list.

We shall use reasonable endeavors to make available regular lesson slots for you; nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the regularity of lessons over any period of time or on any particular date and/or time.

All lessons are individual/private lessons with one student at a time in the car! A parent or guardian is always welcome to ride along.

You must inform the school and your Instructor of any medical conditions or prescribed medication that may affect your driving ability;

Lessons – Location and length

The school will agree on the location for each lesson with you at the time of booking. Your instructor may choose a location that requires additional travel in the interests of road safety.  In such cases, if you wish to be picked up and taken to that location by the instructor, travel time will form part of the lesson time.

The minimum length of a lesson will be 2 hours unless you and the school have previously agreed otherwise and is allowed by the Department of Motor of Vehicles. Minors are not allowed to drive more than 2 hours per lesson for the first 6 hours of driving training according to The Department of Motor Vehicles regulations.

Ending a lesson early – If the student/parent(s)/guardian(s) requests the lesson to end earlier than the contracted 2-hours, no refund will be issued. If we end the lesson early, we will either prorate the fee paid or provide an additional lesson for the amount of time remaining.

Fees and Payment

By using our services, you understand and agree that if you do not pay the discounted package fee in advance, you must pay for each driving lesson at full price. You further understand and agree that any and all purchases are non-refundable for services already given.

You shall make payment of Our fees in advance by debit card, credit card, cash, or check. The School or Your Instructor shall give You a receipt for all sums that we or he/she receives from you.

You can obtain information on current lesson fees from our location in person, by phone, or on our website;

Additional Fees

There is a $45 fee

  • if you do not have your permit at the time of pickup. It is illegal to drive without it.
  • if you do not give the school a 24-hour prior notice to change, cancel, or reschedule your appointment. If you are ill, a doctor’s note is required to waive the fee.

There is a $15 fee

For any duplicate or lost certificate:

  • Certificate of Completion of Drivers Education.
  • Certificate of Completion of Non-Classroom Drivers Education.
  • Certificate of Completion of Behind the Wheel Driver Training.

 There is a $75 fee

  • For checks written to our company with insufficient funds plus any legal fees required to collect payment.

Cancellations and Termination

If You know you will be late for a lesson, you should contact the school before your lesson. If you have yet to notify us that you will arrive (or are not ready) 15 minutes after the scheduled start time for your booked lesson, the instructor will mark the lesson as a No-Show. Therefore, a canceled lesson will be applied to your account, and we may be unable to make up your lesson on the same day due to having another driving appointment after you. However, you are welcome to reschedule the appointment after paying the No-show fee. 

You may cancel a lesson without charge if you provide the school with at least 24 hours’ notice. If you cancel any lesson(s) and have prepaid for them, we will refund the payment(s) to you within 14 business days, applying the refund fee. We will prorate your reimbursement based on the lessons you choose not to attend while your program is still active.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

Program Completion

If you are registered to a behind-the-wheel program, you will have one year (12 months) from the registration date to complete it.

If you are registered to a Driver’s Ed program + Behind the Wheel program, you have one year and a half (18 months) from the registration date.

No Credit is given or transferred for online service.

No Credit is given or transferred after the completion time mentioned above expires for behind-the-wheel training.

Exceptional Circumstances

We recognize that every student’s situation is unique. Therefore, we approach each case individually to determine whether a reinstatement fee for the Behind-the-Wheel Program is applicable. This reinstatement fee will be added automatically to the student’s account if applies.
By handling reinstatement fee requests on a case-by-case basis, we strive to accommodate individual circumstances while maintaining the integrity of our program. We encourage students to communicate openly about any challenges they face so we can work together to find the best solution.

If, due to exceptional circumstances such as illness, accidents, or bereavement, you cancel a lesson without providing the school with at least 24 hours’ prior notice, we will consider the circumstances and, at our discretion, decide whether to waive any charge for late cancellation.

We or your instructor may, without incurring any liability to you, cancel a booked lesson at any time before the start time of that lesson, where either:

  1. Due to the Instructor’s illness, unavailability of a suitable vehicle, or other reason beyond his/her or Our reasonable control, he/she is not available or is not able to provide the lesson fully or properly. If the lesson is canceled in such circumstances, we will reschedule (or will ensure that the school provides the service).
  2. Your instructor has reason to believe that you are not fit to drive at the time of the lesson due to factors including, but not limited to, alcohol, drugs (whether prescribed or otherwise), illness, or other medical conditions. If We or he/she cancels the lesson for such reason, we shall be entitled, at Our or the Instructor’s discretion, either to charge You for that lesson or not to do so, but in deciding whether to charge You, We and he/she shall act reasonably;
  3. The Instructor may, in his/her sole discretion, terminate Your tuition if Your conduct, progress, or commitment consistently falls below the standards that the Instructor reasonably expects;

Freeway Driving

Safety first, always! The Department of Motor Vehicles does not require that Driver Training courses include driving on the freeway. Our School adheres to a strict policy of safety first. Therefore, instructors have sole discretion on whether any lesson will include driving on the freeway.

Footwear Policy (During Driving Lessons)

For safety reasons, students will not be permitted to wear sandals or open-toed shoes of any kind during driving lessons. Shoes must be worn during driving lessons and must cover the entire foot from toe to heel (close-toed shoes). IT’S NOT PERMITTED TO WEAR SANDALS OR HEELS DURING YOUR DRIVING LESSON.

Terms of Service For Traffic School

Please Read These Terms of Service Carefully.

These Terms govern your use of our services except where we expressly state that separate terms (and not these) apply. These services are provided to you by Kanor Driving School, Inc.

We don’t sell your personal data to anyone, and we don’t share information that directly identifies you (such as your name, email address, or other contact information) with anyone unless it is required by law or you give us specific permission.

Once enrolled through our website, in person, or by phone, you will create an account with our school. Therefore, you will receive a username and password to manage your account from your student portal. You will be able to start your program. 

If you are qualified to enroll in traffic violator school, the DMV may send you a letter listing the approved courses you can enroll in. Online and home study traffic school programs are included in this list for California.

 The following criteria must be met in order to enroll in the Traffic Violator School or Home Study Program:

  • If you have a minor moving infraction
  • Not attended traffic violator education in the last 18 months
  • Received a notification from the DMV listing the approved courses you can enroll in. 

You must complete your traffic school course before your due date (Given by the court).

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